Tivoli Village Las Vegas Engagement Session

What’s that old saying? “Make plans, and God laughs.” Yeah, that sounds about right.

Daniel had contacted me a few months ahead of a planned trip to Las Vegas, where he had planned on proposing to the love of his life, Noemi. He told me in his inquiry, “We were introduced by one of my family members, and from the very beginning we were inseparable – can you say love at first sight? We both felt like we found our person from the beginning. I never believed that was possible until then. Although we actually live 6 hours away and in different countries, we talk everyday and see each other anytime we can.”

How freaking romantic is that!!! I just love it when men gush about their partners. Actually, I love it when anyone gushes about their partners!

We had planned to start their session at Tivoli Village for a normal couples photography session, and then jet over to Red Rock for the actual proposal. However, about a month before the scheduled proposal, Daniel told me that Noemi had caught on to his plan, so he ended up proposing at a different time, but still wanted to do engagement photos during this session!

As if that wasn’t enough of a wrench thrown into the plan, guess who got covid the week of the session? Yep, me! You’d think being vaccinated and boosted would be enough, but I succumbed to it. Thankfully, this is the only time that’s ever happened, and I got an incredible assist from another local photographer to step in in my place!

Tivoli Village is such a wonderful spot for engagement photos since they’re so easy to work with. A simple permit and bada bing bada boom – you’re good to go! You might be thinking, “How can a shopping center be a good backdrop for an engagement session?” Well, keep scrolling to find out. This Italian-inspired area is so meticulously designed that it looks like it was plucked right out of Europe specifically for photos. Yeah, you can do some shopping there. But more importantly, it’s cute as heck.

If you’re loving this look and ready for your own unique Las Vegas engagement session, get in touch!

Special thanks to AGP associate Brandi for photographing this session!