How to Build a Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Building a wedding day emergency kit can help you be prepared for any unexpected situations or mishaps on your big day. Here are some steps to follow to build your own wedding day emergency kit:

  1. Choose a container: Find a container that is large enough to hold all the items you plan to include in your emergency kit. A clear plastic bin or a small suitcase can work well for this purpose.

  2. Make a list: Create a list of items you think you may need on your wedding day. You can include items like:

    • Safety pins

    • Sewing kit

    • Stain remover pen

    • Breath mints

    • Band-Aids

    • Blotting paper

    • Deodorant

    • Tampons/pads

    • Tissues

    • Bobby pins/hair ties

    • Pain relievers

    • Hand sanitizer

    • Snacks

    • Water

  3. Gather the items: Collect all the items on your list and place them in your container.

  4. Pack your kit: Organize your items by category and pack them in a way that makes them easy to access. Consider using small pouches or bags to keep things organized and easily visible.

  5. Bring it with you: Make sure to bring your emergency kit with you to your wedding venue. You can ask a trusted wedding party member, planner, or family member to hold onto the kit for you and bring it to you if needed.

By following these steps, you can build a wedding day emergency kit that will help you feel prepared and confident on your big day.

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